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For Advocates

CASA Activity Resources

Learn more about our CASA Funds and how you can access these resources to support youth in their extra-curricular activities and more! Be sure to speak with your Advocate Supervisor prior to making purchases from the Children's Fund. 

The Children’s Fund

Advocates access this fund through their Advocate Supervisor for different enrichment activities or special occasions that are not otherwise funded by their school or another provider, or when a caregiver is not able to afford the expense. CASA also has a relationship with other funders that on occasion match the CASA Children’s Fund to share the responsibility for funding. Needs are assessed by CASA Advocates in collaboration with Advocate Supervisors and partnering agencies.

Examples of Funding requests from the Children’s Fund include the following (this is not an extensive list):

  • Dance,
  • Martial Arts,
  • Sports teams,
  • Summer Camps (Science Camp is free for foster youth), or school activities.
  • For 18-21 year olds, assistance for housing goods and the CASA Scholarships for college education.

As stated during the initial CASA training, there are many different opportunities to access free resources or participate in activities at a reduced rate. We have a relationship with many businesses and organizations that offer scholarships or partial scholarships for our children and youth. Learn about different fun activities in our community who already offer these to CASA on our Things To Do page. You can also contact the office and talk to your Advocate Supervisor or Ana Guzman, Program Coordinator at 831-761-2956 to learn more about accessing free or reduced fee based activities not already found on this list.

NEW Activity Fund

There are now funds that can be requested to underwrite the costs of activities when on visits with your CASA child; up to $60/month. Examples include: Snacks/meals, movies, parking, etc. Document these expenses in your Optima Contact Log and send a copy of your receipts to your Advocate Supervisor. Contact your Advocate Supervisor to discuss special activities (such as birthday)to request additional funds. (This will be offered from July 1, 2019 as long as funds remain available)