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Legacy Society

By joining CASA’s Legacy Society, you can ensure that capable, consistent, caring advocacy will be available for future generations of CASA children and youth.

There are many ways to make a legacy gift.  A few simple and inexpensive options include designating CASA as a beneficiary in retirement accounts, life insurance policies and annuities, “in trust” accounts, bequests, and gifts that generate income for life.  These are small changes that can make a significant difference. View the Legacy Giving Options below and fill out the form to request more information about making a legacy gift to CASA.

Gifts to CASA can be made to support CASA's Endowment Fund or to support the general operations of the organization. If you have a specific purpose in mind, please contact us at (831) 761-2956 so that we can fulfill your wishes.

  • Bequest

    This is the simplest way to leave a legacy for our CASA children. Add language such as the following to your will or living trust document. If you have a MOCI (Memorandum of Charitable Trust Intent) at the Community Foundation you can do this there as well: “I give (dollar amount or percentage of estate) to Court Appointed Special Advocates of Santa Cruz County, 813 Freedom Boulevard, Watsonville, California 95076, Federal tax ID No.77-0305354, to be used for the greatest need as determined by CASA.”

  • Retirement Asset

    This is often the most tax-efficient way for you to leave a CASA legacy. Simply change the beneficiary of one of your retirement accounts to Court Appointed Special Advocates of Santa Cruz County, EIN 77-0305354, 813 Freedom Blvd., Watsonville CA 95076.
    You may designate all of the assets remaining in the retirement account or a percentage. This approach also avoids additional legal expense.

  • Charitable Gift Annuity

    This approach provides you with potentially significant tax savings and a guaranteed income for life. You make a gift of as little as $10,000; you receive an immediate income tax deduction, a guaranteed payment you can count on for life for you (or a loved one), and leave a legacy that will support our CASA children in perpetuity. Payments are fixed and based on your age. The older you are the greater the annuity payment. You can do this through the Community Foundation and it’s proceeds would go into CASA's Endowment Fund.

  • Charitable Remainder Trust

    This approach is similar to the Charitable Gift Annuity, except you may opt to receive a fixed percentage of the trust’s fair market value, rather than a fixed payout. When the trust is terminated, the assets are transferred to CASA to benefit our children.

  • Life Insurance

    This is another easy way to leave a CASA legacy. Simply name Court Appointed Special Advocates of Santa Cruz County, EIN 77-0305354, as a beneficiary of your policy. Your estate will be entitled to an offsetting charitable deduction. You can also name us as owner and beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy. You will receive an immediate tax deduction that usually approximates the cash surrender value of the policy. All premium payments made thereafter are deductible as a charitable contribution.

    As always, you should consult with your own advisors before making a final decision about which approach makes the most sense for you.

  • Beneficiary Information for Gifts

    Court Appointed Special Advocates of Santa Cruz County
    EIN: 77-0305354
    Address: 813 Freedom Blvd., Watsonville, CA 95076
    Phone: (831) 761-2956
    Contact: Development Director, Ext. 106
    Or complete the form below and we will contact you soon.

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