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Thank You for Supporting CASA of Santa Cruz

Your tax-deductible donation will help improve the lives of children and youth who have experienced severe trauma. Contributions to CASA, a 501(C)3 nonprofit, are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. (Tax ID #77-0305354) CASA of Santa Cruz County will not sell or distribute any of your contact information. 

You can donate anytime with cash, personal check, cashier’s check, or money order made payable to CASA of Santa Cruz County. Please drop off or mail to:
CASA of Santa Cruz County
813 Freedom Blvd
Watsonville, CA 95076

Online donations are easy and secure by filling out the form on this page. Click the checkbox under your donation amount to make your gift a monthly donation and join the CASA Guardian Circle

We also accept PayPal ( or Venmo (@CASASantaCruzCounty)