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Education Advocacy

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"Education is the passport to the future,

for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” - Malcom X

School age children and youth have specific needs around education and often benefit from increased advocacy in these areas. This is particularly true for children and youth who change placements and schools often. Children can fall behind in school due to the repeated moves and adjustments and lack of positive social connections and supports. Additionally, children in foster care often have higher special education needs than children not in foster care but do not always receive the services they could benefit from. 

While education outcomes for children in foster care indicate that there is still a long way to go, we see the differences that our advocates can make to support educational goals. Watsonville and Santa Cruz have many wonderful tutoring programs and youth activities to keep children involved with their education and community in positive ways. Through support, encouragement, advocacy, and understanding children and youth can have what they need to succeed in their education goals.