Learn more about the adaptations made to the CASA Advocate role during a pandemic and what to expect. Review the Optional In-Person Visit and Driving Guidelines, as well as suggestions on how to stay connected with youth during this time.
Advocate/Child Visits
In order to opt into in-person visits, you must:
1. discuss your plans for how to conduct safe visits with your Advocate Supervisor first;
2. return the last page of the document with your signature to your supervisor; and
3. follow the guidelines during visits (please speak with your supervisor if you are in need of PPE/safety supplies for visits) -
As of June 1, 2021, you have the option to transport a child in your vehicle. We have provided a two-page document that outlines what we ask you to do in advance of putting a child in the backseat of your vehicle, during your trip and after your visit is over. We are not encouraging people to drive who are not comfortable driving and we outline what you should be discussing with caregivers regarding following COVID Guidelines as determined by the CDC.
Open this link below and fill out this short form, this will allow us to know that you have read the guidelines. Whether you are currently assigned to a child today or not, this is important information for you to have as this is a change in the original COVID Guidelines; this email has been sent to all active Advocates and CASA Staff. For your convenience, you will find both the new Transportation Guidelines as well as the original guidelines for your review. Click here to complete the form: https://forms.gle/1bo2jRoF5SHcqt7G7
Thank you for your patience and commitment, contact your Advocate Supervisor if you wish to discuss details or plans for how to transport your child in the safest manner.
Child/Youth Visits
Children/youth served by CASA could benefit from the ongoing support of their Advocates for a listening ear, accessing resources, and making children visible during this time. We know that many types of abuse happen in isolation and encourage you to step up and stay present for the children/youth and families.
Please follow all recommended guidelines when visiting and/or driving your child/youth. We continue to support virtual visits being the safest option at this time. While the expectation of weekly visits with your child/youth is currently waived, we ask that Advocates stay in weekly contact with their child/youth/caregivers. We are encouraging and challenging our advocates to be creative in how they engage their child/youth, identify child/family needs, and maintain ongoing communication at this time. Please work with your supervisor directly on specific issues as they arise. Below is a list of some ideas to stay connected:
- Video call
- Set up virtual gaming play dates: candy crush, solitaire, words with friends, etc…
- Send cards or letters in the mail (do not lick stamps, envelopes, etc…)
- Record yourself reading a kid’s story and stream/text it to them
- Watch a movie at the same time using Netflix Party
- Stay connected and send short video messages using the Marco Polo App
- For more ideas: Virtual Visits
Court Hearings and Team Meetings
Effective July 12, 2021 court hearings will now be held using a hybrid of in-person and virtual attendance. CASA Advocates are encouraged to attend in-person. Check with your child/youth's team to inquire about attending case meetings in-person or virtually via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Please follow the detailed instructions provided by your supervisor to attend court hearings and communicate with them about your ability to attend upcoming meetings.
Contacting My Supervisor
The CASA House is now open for visitors from 10a - 4p! Please notify your Advocate Supervisor in advance if you plan to come to the house, so we can plan accordingly. Staff continue to work both remotely and in the office, and can be contacted during regular business hours by calling the office (831) 761-2956 or email. Our new automated phone system will provide you options on how to route your call directly to your supervisor. Supervisors will still be available and working hard to support advocates and child/youth needs as they come up. Be sure to contact your supervisor by phone or email to notify them of a pressing need for your child/youth.