Adoption and Permanency: Identity, Openness, and Cultural Considerations - Video (.5 hour of continuing education) Module focuses on stages of childhood development, the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act and the Indian Child Welfare Act, understanding how race and culture interact with identity development for children in permanency and adoption, as well as the different types of openness in adoption.
Understanding the Indian Child Welfare Act: Family, Community and Culture Webinar (1.5 hour of continuing education) As a result of attending this training, participants will learn about: the concepts and philosophical framework which undergird the ICWA, including the reasons why many child welfare organizations refer to the ICWA as the "gold standard" for child welfare, and key requirements of the law and regulations that would be particularly relevant to CASA/GAL work; and strategies to keep children with parents and families connected with culture and community. (Aug, 2021)
Children and Families of Tribal Nations - Effective Engagement with Tribes to Secure Best Outcomes Webinar (1.5 hours of continuing education) As a result of attending this training, participants will: recognize the important role of tribes in the ICWA, including the specific tribal rights specified in the law, and the importance of effective collaboration with tribes in ICWA cases; learn about Tribal Sovereignty and Tribal Citizenship/Membership; and learn strategies to collaborate with Tribes regarding active efforts, services to families and placement of children.
Cultural Diversity in Foster Care
Cultural Best Practices in Foster Care
Cultural Diversity Training: Why It’s Important, Especially In Transracial Adoptions