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Race & Equity

Race & Equity Home

There is a larger percentage of children of color in foster care nationwide than in the general population, and in Santa Cruz County this is specifically true for Latinx children. Learn more about racial disparities in child welfare, how systemic racism contributes to disproportionality, and explore materials that can support individuals in their own self -reflection and growth in areas of recognizing inequities and preventing implicit bias from harming the children, youth, and families we serve.

All CASA Advocates are required to complete a minimum of 2 hours of continuing education on issues of Race & Equity. Please choose something from this list, or feel free to find something on your own and notify your Advocate Supervisor so we can add it to our list, too. 

Online & Virtual Trainings
Additional Resources
  • SCCOE Initiative for Racial Equity and Justice: The purpose of this initiative is to provide a dynamic hub for educators engaging in courageous conversations about race and equity with each other and their students by providing both links to online resources and an ongoing community of practice on racial justice for local educators.
  • Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Resource List from Healing Equity United: Our mission is to foster equity, diversity, and inclusivity by compelling individuals to examine their own power and privilege. We move them from awareness to action, ultimately realigning resources, dismantling systems of oppression, and healing communities.