Youth voices: Life after foster care - Video (1 hour continuing education)
Why Teens Are Impulsive, Addiction-Prone And Should Protect Their Brains (.75 hour of continuing education)
Frontline Public Television Episode and Additional Info (1 hour continuing education)
AB 167/216 Graduation (Video) (1.5 hours of continuing education) School district and county office of education personnel will learn about a foster youth’s right to graduate by completing only the minimum state graduation requirements, including recent updates from AB 216. We will review best practices for how to assess a youth’s eligibility, including an eligibility and credit checklist, will be covered. An Eligibility Notification Letter that can be used to comply with the law will also be reviewed.
AB 12 Convening: Pregnant and Parenting Transition-Age Youth (Video) (1 hour of continuing education) Alliance for Children's Rights, Children's Law Center and the Los Angeles County Departments of Probation and Children and Family Services hosted a convening on extended foster care under AB 12