CASA Graduation and Swearing In
This is a unique opportunity to get an inside view into what happens in dependency care and to learn and understand more about the role of a Court Appointed Special Advocate. The court-room is officially "closed" and locked during this time, so you must make arrangements with staff so we can give you access.
The Mock Trial is a re-enactment of the multiple hearings that at child's family goes through as their case moves through the child welfare system. Judge Rebecca Connolly will preside, the actual court attorneys are there, along with a social worker; all are portraying their normal roles. CASA staff portray the roles of the parents and CASA Advocates. The mock trial lasts a little more than an hour, and then the class of new Advocates (who watch the mock trial as part of their final day of training) are then sworn-in by the judge as Advocates.