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A Thank You to Resource Parents

As National Foster Care Month comes to a close, we want to take a moment to express our appreciation for the incredible individuals and families who selflessly open their hearts and homes to children in need. Only one month out of the year is simply not enough recognition for their amazing contributions to the lives of vulnerable children and youth.


In the United States alone, there are over 400,000 adoptive or foster (resource) families. Becoming a resource family is a serious commitment that requires resilience, empathy, and patience. Assessment and training are extensive but provides resource families with the skill necessary to meet the unique needs of children who have faced adversity.


And resource parents provide more than just a safe and loving home. They serve as advocates, mentors, and caregivers, guiding children through difficult moments and celebrating their achievements. They attend countless meetings, appointments, and therapy sessions, all with the aim of ensuring the well-being and growth of the children and youth in their care.

Resource parents not only open their homes and hearts to children and youth from diverse backgrounds, but they come from diverse backgrounds themselves, representing various cultures, races, and family structures. Their collective commitment to making a positive impact in a child's life unites them.


We here at CASA of Santa Cruz extend our deepest gratitude to all the resource parents, making profound differences in the lives of children and youth. Your unwavering dedication, love, and support shape futures and create brighter tomorrows. Together, we can continue to raise awareness about the critical need for resource parents. Thank you. Let us honor and celebrate these extraordinary individuals not just in May but every day of the year.