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A Joyful Adoption

Samantha and Victoria* embarked on a heartfelt journey as co-CASAs (Court Appointed Special Advocates) three years ago in 2021 when they were matched with two spirited sisters, just 5 and 7 years old.  The girls experienced the instability and trauma of being removed from their parents’ care due to neglect and were placed with various relatives and a resource family in the span of 18 months. Unfortunately, their parents, grappling with substance use disorder, could not provide the safe and stable home the girls needed. 

During this period of turmoil, Samantha and Victoria became a constant source of love and support. They took the girls on adventures to the aquarium, the beach, and the CASA house, bringing laughter into their lives. When it became clear that reunification with their birth parents was not possible, the girls had to navigate a challenging transition as a permanent home was sought for them. Although their birth family couldn't stay together, hope blossomed when the girls were welcomed into the *Fisher family in early 2023. 

The Fishers, already parents to three children, opened their hearts and home to the sisters. Despite the challenges, they went above and beyond to ensure the girls received the mental health and educational support they needed.  

In August 2023, the Fishers moved out of the area, seeking a comfortable and spacious home for their now bustling household of five children under 10. Despite the distance, Samantha and Victoria kept a close relationship with the girls, connecting via monthly Zoom calls and exchanging postcards. Their dedication was unwavering, always checking in with the Fishers to offer support. 

In their new home, the girls thrived like never before. They took up ice skating, therapeutic fly fishing, and even sledding. Their happiness was a testament to the loving environment the Fishers provided, backed by the unwavering support of their CASA Advocates. 

June 2024 marked a joyous milestone. The Fisher family and the girls flew back to our county for the adoption ceremony at the Watsonville Courthouse. The room was filled with warmth and support from social workers, CASA Advocates, and friends. The girls, dressed as princesses, celebrated in style. The adoption papers were signed, officially making them part of the Fisher family. The resource mom expressed deep gratitude for the genuine care and dedication Samantha and Victoria showed. 

Samantha and Victoria, who did not know each other before this journey, developed a remarkable bond. They plan to continue working together as co-CASAs with another family in the future. They look forward to keeping in touch with the Fisher girls, eagerly awaiting news of their future adventures. 

*fictitious names 
