- Preventing and Treating Compassion Fatigue with Self-Care (1 hour of continuing education)
- Self-Care: 12 Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself (.5 hour of continued education)
- Why Self Care Can Help You Manage Stress (.5 hour of continued education)
- Mindfulness: 10 Lessons in Self-Care (.5 hour of continued education)
Additional Resources
- Greater Good Magazine-Keys to Well-Being Explore Greater Good's 12 building blocks of individual and community well-being — the behaviors that research suggests will support your health and happiness, and foster positive connections with other people.
- Ten Percent Happier Coronavirus Sanity Guide (FREE) In times like these, we need practical, actionable ways of coping with stress, fear, and anxiety. The meditations, podcasts, blog posts, and talks on this page will help you build resilience and find some calm amidst the chaos. We’re adding more resources as they are created - so keep checking back.
- The Science of Happiness Podcast (15-20min/episode) What does it take to live a happier life? Learn research-tested strategies that you can put into practice today. Hosted by award-winning psychologist Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by PRX and UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center.
- 3-min Mindful Breathing Exercise